10 Ways to Practice Self Love as an Entrepreneur (Part 1)

Is it just me or did January run out of here like it stole something?  It seemed like I blinked and now we are in February.  Not sure if it the chaos of month one of quarter one, the trauma of another Black man slain by police brutality #tyrenichols, Florida shenanigans with Governor Ron DeSantis stating that AP African American Studies lacks “educational value” or what but it has been a blur of frustration and exhaustion.  We are living every day with the complexities and stresses of being a Black person in this country, and in many ways being a Black female entrepreneur has its own layers.  Pouring into ourselves through self-love can create the buffer we need to these outside forces.

While Black women make up the fastest growing demographic of entrepreneurs, we are also more likely to receive less capital to fund our business endeavors, more likely to have family responsibilities impact our businesses (about 30% of Black households have women as heads of households), and deal with the several forms of discrimination (like racism and sexism) within entrepreneurship.  To combat this negativity, we are focusing on highlighting ways to bring in positivity to our experiences and our identities. We kick off February, a month of love and Black History by encouraging Black female entrepreneurs to practice self-love with 10 ways to do it.  Here’s part 1:




1. Set boundaries and stick to them

We KNOW boundaries are important.  Healthy boundaries allow us to communicate how we want to be treated and how others can expect us to treat them.  But that doesn’t mean putting them in place (and reinforcing them for that matter) is easy.  One tip is to identify one boundary you are going to focus on building or maintaining.  Recognize the common moments they tend to be violated and create a consistent response to feel more prepared.  A great book I frequently recommend to my clients is Set Boundaries, Find Peace, it is a New York Times Bestseller and written by a fellow Black female therapist, Nedra Glover Tawwab.  (disclaimer: if you make a purchase through this link, we may receive compensation from Amazon.  It is at no extra cost to you).



2. Prioritize self-care activities

Running a business gets hectic but compromising your self-care isn’t the answer.  Ensuring you are doing something EVERY DAY to care for yourself helps to manage stress.  With about 72% of entrepreneurs experiencing mental health issues and strain, prioritizing self care is a necessary aspect of your sustainability.  The biggest barrier however tends to be HOW, when there are already so many other tasks filling your day.  One way to do this is to schedule the time, because if you’re like me, if it’s not on the calendar it isn’t happening.  Begin with a list of the activities you want to do (mani-pedis, medical check ups, therapy sessions, working out, etc.).  Aim to schedule 1 professional activity a week and 2 small personal ones.  Start small so you can gradually build this habit.




3. Practice gratitude and positive self-talk

When the areas of struggle or lack seem to be screaming, often the positive things may seem to whisper.  You can change that around by being intentional about focusing on gratitude and challenging the negative thoughts swirling around your mind.  If you are used to environments where motivation is derived from pointing out flaws or comparison, the shift to positive thinking might be uncomfortable.  Yet positive thinking has been shown to boost skills, self-esteem and even manage depression and anxiety.     For more details and guidance on developing your own personalized affirmations you can check out our Affirmations Guidebook.  Another great way to do this is to write or record a love letter to yourself. Reminding yourself of how amazing you are is a personalized way to practice self-love.  



4. Take breaks and schedule downtime

One reason entrepreneurship is so appealing is the sense of freedom achieved by creating your own schedule.  Unfortunately it is beginning to sound more like the lie we had as kids, “when I grow up I’m going to do whatever I want”.  We were so naive to think adulting was better! But here we go doing the same thing as entrepreneurs, when we want freedom and instead work ourselves to the bone.   Scheduling downtime for things like mid-day naps, time off or solitude can help “increase motivation, productivity, creativity, and memory. Check out this article by Inc.that discussed the power of rest during the holidays that can be applied throughout the year.  



5. Invest in professional development

Honor your gifts and talents through consistent professional development and it serves as a reminder you are THAT GIRL.  You can read books, obtain a certification or attend a conference.  One of my favorite ways to invest in my professional development is by hosting workshops for local groups or speaking at conferences.  The time spent to research and develop the presentation allows you to refine and highlight your strengths. In addition, you can join or attend events or conferences sponsored by your local chamber of commerce (I recently joined the African American Chamber of Commerce of Central Florida and the Greater Haitian American Chamber of Commerce) or other professional organizations are great ways to expose yourself to opportunities and reinforce your areas of expertise. 


Now, I know that was a lot of information!  Feel free to let that sim-simmer this week and assess which area you want to focus on to practice self-love.  Stay tuned for next week when we cover the remaining 5 ways to practice self-love as an entrepreneur.  What do you think about the first 5 so far?  Share your thoughts below.