Affirmations Guidebook

Unlock Your Greatness with Tailor Made Affirmations Just for You

I see you, sis. You’ve got big goals and want to be the best at all of them. But no matter how many accomplishments you rack up, you’re still no stranger to imposter syndrome. It actually seems to get worse the higher you climb… What gives?!

You’re ready to silence that inner critic and are curious about how affirmations can help. But the ones all over the ‘gram seem more cringy than constructive when you say them to yourself…

Enter The Affirmations Guidebook.

This 20-page digital workbook walks you through 6 powerful steps to create personalized, effective affirmations to overcome your fears and embrace the powerful goddess hidden beneath all that worry and doubt.

The workbook also includes a monthly tracker to help you stick to your new affirmation routine.

Listen, your best self is waiting for you to speak out. Grab the Affirmations Guidebook today so you can finally raise your voice.


Note: Upon purchase, you will have immediate access to a PDF document you can download that is emailed to you. This PDF document is to be printed out. You will NOT


Valerie Carmel Therapy
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